She traced the lines on his palm, felt the thick calluses.
His thick calluses kept his hand from being burned by the hot metal.
Both girls had developed thick calluses on their palms and knees from having walked on all fours.
The soles of Henry's feet have thick calluses, as though they are trying to become shoes.
Indeed, she would have to develop thick calluses around her heart if she was to survive this mockery of a marriage.
All of the colonists were darker, more muscular, with thicker calluses on hands and feet.
But one look at her left hand - and the thick, purple-striped calluses on her fingers - reveals that she has another life.
Mr. Yoshida showed the thick calluses on his hands from years of manipulating the heavy figures.
His bare feet were pervaded by a dull warmth that quickly penetrated the thick calluses.
Wet the stone with warm water and rub over hard skin to remove thick calluses.