Ruen threw it and then touched the thick bracelet locked about his left wrist.
Her arms were bare save for a thick bracelet of silver on her right wrist; on her left was a wrist-guard of black leather.
As the acolyte left to stand guard at the closed door of the chamber, Surat touched the thick bracelet locked around his left wrist.
So they found me a thick bracelet, and that's right, because that's like high-school tough-guy stuff.
On Bolan's right wrist was what looked like a thick metallic bracelet with a one-inch length of wooden dowling attached.
She tapped commands into the thick bracelet encircling her spacesuited forearm, watching the diagnostic traces as they scrolled over her faceplate.
Gold circlet on his head, heavy gold chain round his neck and thick bracelets on his arms.
Around his right wrist, just over the raw and broken skin, was a thick bracelet with three pretty birds etched into hammered gold.
On one wrist she wore a thick bracelet of gold, set with red stones, and for an instant Margaret was surprised.
Kirk ignored the question as he tapped a code into the locker and pulled out what looked like a thick bracelet.