Gibbs free energy...actually a restatement of the second thermodynamic "law" all systems tend toward an equilibrium.
Hot air rises, cold air falls; These are thermodynamic laws.
Conservation of energy (which, in non-relativistic situations, can only be transferred, and not created or destroyed) leads to a continuity equation, an alternative mathematical statement of energy conservation to the thermodynamic laws.
Thermometers can be divided into two separate groups according to the level of knowledge about the physical basis of the underlying thermodynamic laws and quantities.
No additional thermodynamic laws are required for this idea, and the principles of energetics may confuse many issues for those outside the field.
By using an unshared electron pair from another molecule, it stabilizes the boron and one of the fundamental, thermodynamic laws of the universe is that everything tends toward stability.
General observations about how the brain functions can be made by looking at the first and second thermodynamic laws, which are universal laws.
Brain is a very large-scale interconnected system; the neurons have to somehow behave like the chemical reaction system, so, it has to somehow obey the chemical thermodynamic laws.
The cryo-arithmetic principle was based on a controlled violation of thermodynamic law.
This theory in turn motivated Odum to propose maximum power as a fundamental thermodynamic law.