Typically, the thermal cover is removed and stored.
Black-tailed jackrabbit does not habitually use a burrow, although it has occasionally been observed using abandoned burrows for escape and thermal cover.
Bardie pulled back the thermal cover for a visual check.
Black-footed ferrets use prairie dog burrows for raising young, avoiding predators, and thermal cover.
The thin thermal cover had been pushed down and was draped modestly across his groin and one leg, which twitched now and again.
Pygmy rabbits use burrows more in the winter for thermal cover than at other times of the year.
Low brush provides hiding, escape, and thermal cover.
During the winter, northern red-backed voles use layers of thick moss or matted vegetation as thermal cover.
Now he tried to move his legs beneath the thin thermal cover, and though the motion tired him, it also got his blood moving.
Four pages are devoted to each designer, with objects both sensible (thermal covers for beer bottles) and exotic (cameras for dogs).