Since this lesion is usually a complication of long standing otitis media, it is important to use an appropriate antibiotic therapy regimen.
She has continued a rigorous physical therapy regimen and has regained some use of her arms and hands.
After initial instruction, people are able to perform a physical therapy regimen at home.
The biological connection between expression of these four transcripts and this therapy regimen remains to be further elucidated.
Prosecutors agreed to drop the charge if Limbaugh paid $30,000 to defray the cost of the investigation and completed an 18-month therapy regimen with his physician.
As for the dancer himself, he continues his therapy regimen, even on days when he teaches.
Are you fully recovered, and what was your physical therapy regimen like?
The physical therapy regimen mainly consisted of rest.
She is also falling behind in her own physical therapy regimen.
The control group was treated with an oral triple therapy regimen which had previously been evaluated in a pilot study.