These antibiotics are considered as a choice of last resort where every other antibiotic therapy has failed.
Surgical treatment should be considered in patients who have not been treated at younger age or when conservative therapy fails.
Cancer specialists treat sick patients, for whom standard therapies often fail.
In most countries this therapy is currently unapproved and only used if other therapies failed.
It could not be used simply because the standard therapies failed to work, even in a patient who was dying for lack of effective treatment.
After the first appointment it is clear that the therapy has failed.
Of the 175 patients treated, the therapy failed to break up a stone in only one case.
Experts say there are several possible reasons why cognitive therapy might fail teenage patients.
On the third day, at about eleven in the morning, this therapy failed of its effect, and something within him broke.
Conventional therapy failed, said the girl's mother, who spoke on the condition that she and her daughter not be identified.