Furthermore, adjuvant systemic therapy decreases breast cancer mortality, and its use may decrease the impact of early detection.
Antiretroviral therapy can also decrease symptoms of HIV infection, such as fever, weakness, and weight loss.
If early therapy does not increase survival or decrease disability, the early diagnosis has no benefit.
Hormonal therapy can decrease levels of DHT by interrupting this pathway at any point.
Hormonal therapy further decreases the risk of recurrence of DCIS or the development of invasive breast cancer.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), or shock therapy, rapidly decreases suicidal thinking.
Antiretroviral therapy can also decrease symptoms of HIV infection, such as fever and weakness, and help the person gain weight.
The therapy significantly decreases the overall mortality rate and the mortality rate from coronary disease, and it lessens the incidence of osteoporosis and Alzheimer's disease.
For Achilles tendinopathy, physical therapy can decrease your pain and allow you to gradually return to your normal activities.