Often, requests would be returned repeatedly, and doctors, therapists and patients reported waiting up to a year for equipment; others gave up.
About half the states exempt church officials from laws that require schools and therapists to report sexual abuse.
"I don't think he's in shape," the therapist reported.
Although these insights suggest a neurological defect, therapists are reporting success in treating the disorder with behavioral methods.
Many therapists report that when their patients take antidepressants, it helps them make more progress in counseling.
But therapists report that psychopaths have been successfully treated with behavioral methods.
The relationship was brought to police attention only after the teen-ager's therapist reported it.
On the other, there is the need to protect life, and laws in many states explicitly compel therapists to report serious danger to the authorities.
Under the circumstances, many therapists simply do not report.
Hot lines, clinics, hospital emergency rooms and private therapists reported last week that they were beginning to see a steady stream of people.