In eating recovery, clinicians and therapists assist patients in identifying their core values.
Physical therapist can assist in sitting stability, and transferring by working on strength training.
Home modifications and adaptations are something that an occupational therapist can assist with.
That is, therapists assist adolescents with learning how to lead an enjoyable and healthy life without using alcohol or drugs.
Physical therapists can assist patients in maintaining their level of independence through therapeutic exercise programs.
Occupational therapists may assist patients with incoordination or ataxia issues through the use of adaptive devices.
Occupational therapists assist children and their caregivers to build skills that enable them to participate in meaningful occupations.
An occupational therapist can assist in making these and other changes to your home.
The therapist should in particular look for, and assist the patient to recognize, attitudes which have prevented the achievement of tasks.
Second, when appropriate, a therapist assists with passive exercises to slowly strengthen the muscle.