An occupational therapist, usually employed by the social services, can assess what adaptations you may need to make to your property.
On our staff we have doctors, nurses and therapists to assess a child's illness and help the mother to get their children the right services.
In addition, therapists with specialized training in driver rehabilitation assess an individual's ability to drive using both clinical and on-the-road tests.
Occupational therapists may assess occupational performance before and after intervention, as a measure of effectiveness and reduction in disability.
Due to the extent and prevalence of violence in relationships, counselors and therapists should assess every client for domestic violence (both experienced and perpetrated).
Early in the course of rheumatoid arthritis, your physical therapist can assess and document where you are in terms of function, strength, and fitness.
A therapist may assess these choices and intervene in an effort to guide the formation of healthier relationships.
The therapist assesses what the patient should start with: he automatically starts with a pyjama jacket, if he has difficulties with this.
Occupational therapists often assess and prescribe seating equipment and wheelchairs.
He nodded, and sat looking at her, stroking his chin, a therapist assessing a patient.