A scientific theory often seeks to synthesize a body of evidence or observations of particular phenomena.
Aside from judicial review, constitutional theory in general seeks to ask and answer the following questions:
Other 'deterministic' theories actually seek only to highlight the importance of a particular factor in predicting the future.
Clements's theory sought to define a single climax-type for each area.
The other theory seeks to explain how the object could indeed be a planet that formed out of debris scattered by the star's explosive death.
This theory seeks to understand the emerging forms of social control that may lead to crime, and concentrates on assessing risk.
Several theories seek to account for the extended calm.
Semiotic theory seeks to describe the rhetorical significance of sign-making.
The theory of dynamic stochastic general equilibrium seeks to address this criticism.
The theory seeks to understand the ways in which it is possible to reduce the likelihood of criminality developing in individuals.