Because most stars are binary, the discovery that multi-planet systems can form in such a system impacts theories of planetary formation.
The theory of planetary formation is not perfect, and possibly a part of the sequence is missing or misunderstood.
"This will shake up the theory of planetary formation."
Professor Winant is best known for developing the theory of racial formation along with Michael Omi.
Astronomers were surprised by these "hot Jupiters", since theories of planetary formation had indicated that giant planets should only form at large distances from stars.
Therefore a theory of conservation would also be needed to complement the theory of formation.
"Finding three around one star, and extremely close to it, is quite significant and puts more constraints, limits, on any theory of planetary formation and evolution."
Around 1989 Tanaka and Golombek proposed a theory of formation by tensional fracturing.
He contributed greatly to the theory of formation and movement of creeping fronts through the packed bed.
Topical coverage encompasses theories of decision making, deterrence, bureaucratic politics, institutional formation, bargaining, diplomacy, foreign policy conduct, and international relations.