Thus, the theory identifies social causes of delinquency that seem to be located in specific geographical areas, and its conclusions are not completely generalizable.
Grounding theory identifies three common types of evidence in conversation: 'acknowledgements, relevant next turn, and continued attention.
Earlier theories of motivation (1930-60) identified financial security as a primary goal.
The theory identified several factors that determine whether observing a model will affect behavioral or cognitive change.
The structural-functional theory identifies information flow in organizations as "networks" made up of members and "links".
This theory identifies the environment as having a great affect on a person's mental development.
This approach to law applies theories or economics to identify the legal implications of maximizing behavior inside and outside of markets.
This theory identified means of production as chief determinants of the historical process.
The theory identifies the state and the law as instruments of oppression used by the ruling class for their own benefit.
This theory identifies the artifacts as fertility symbols placed in burials to guarantee eternal rebirth.