The social theories advanced by Florida have sparked much debate and discussion.
Conover advanced the theory that he was, perhaps, helped by having run only one previous marathon.
He was one of the first to advance the theory that Shakespeare had been a Catholic.
The men who have advanced the theory of gravitation can practically be named on one hand!
At least that was the theory advanced by Vaux in the thirties before he disappeared off the face of the earth.
God's knowledge of facts and providence, in which is advanced the theory that God does not know individual facts.
Then someone advanced the theory that it was the work of cunning children too young to judge well the value of objects.
Among other contributions, it advanced the theory of index numbers and generalized welfare economics.
Since the 20th century, increased study of creoles by linguists led to several theories being advanced.
He was fascinated by the psychological theories being advanced at that time and pursued a career in academia.