He was theoretically free to leave.
In other words, war was waged to put lands under Muslim rule, but the subjects were theoretically free to continue practice whatever religion they chose.
While spouses are theoretically free to file separate returns, in most cases doing so subjects them to higher taxes than they would owe filing together.
But while re-elected presidents who no longer have to face the voters are theoretically free to pursue their wildest dreams, in practice they never do.
One is theoretically free to make the assignment in either way, and no observable quantity can depend on this choice.
Freedom of movement is guaranteed and those driven from their homes are theoretically free to return.
A lack of funding has also caused many schools, theoretically free, to charge education fees that low-income families are increasingly unable or unwilling to afford.
Public education is theoretically free and compulsory for under-16-year-olds, but in practice, expenses exist.
Though theoretically free, most common people remained subjects of the landowning class, with few rights.
Investments were made in heavily censored cultural programmes, though the press remained theoretically free.