These three general theoretical principles are then supported by the concept of pluralism.
They also describe basic theoretical principles and methods that have provided German researchers with a knowledge base and framework for further research.
So far, no established theoretical principle leads to a simple and unique generalization.
For Halliday a central theoretical principle is then that any act of communication involves choices.
Counselling responses often have to be rapid, based on personal judgement rather than precise theoretical principles.
The buildings are abstract and often intuitively designed, rather than conforming to a clear set of theoretical principles.
This helps, as does a detailed final chapter on his command experience in Bosnia, intended to illustrate the book's theoretical principles.
Bourdieu is best known for his theoretical principles, conceptual devices and political intentions.
From these few examples, it was obvious that the theoretical principles related to the spread of infection were not always put into practice.
Democracy and respect for human rights must not continue to be officially declared theoretical principles which are ignored in practice.