But there's theoretical and practical evidence of the power of the atom.
The list of claimed benefits of these exercises is extensive, however many of these appear to be based on weak or theoretical evidence.
There would seem to be some practical limit but I do not know of any experimental or theoretical evidence of exactly what that might be.
Formann provided both theoretical and empirical evidence that the application of the parallel analysis for uncovering the factorial structure of binary variables is not appropriate.
Further to this, the values of K1-5 are unsubstantiated and the suggested multiplicative relationship has no sufficient theoretical or empirical evidence for justification purposes.
However, there is both theoretical and empirical evidence that this may not always be the case.
"At least, I've found theoretical evidence for the existence of Phlegethon."
"With the support of strong and accountable scientific and theoretical evidence, the government must present to the court this environmental contamination," he said.
The view is often expressed that this will create new jobs, but there is absolutely no theoretical or empirical evidence for this.
Both experimental and theoretical evidence show that this competition does not lead to a suppression of the RICD.