There are several theoretical benefits claimed for the tape.
Chasing after the Holy Grail of a thinking, interactive computer, no matter what its theoretical benefits, was all well and good for some privately funded organization.
Because of theoretical benefits, such as a tighter turning radius at low speed, attempts have been made to construct motorcycles with two-wheel steering.
Despite these theoretical benefits, women outside the specifically named groups experienced no advantage with digital scans.
He judged that the pathological secrecy and corruption within a dictatorial system more than canceled out the theoretical benefits of greater centralization.
As many other experimental locomotives showed, the theoretical benefits of high steam pressure were hard to realise in practice.
Internationalism is a movement which advocates a greater economic and political cooperation among nations for the theoretical benefit of all.
For all its theoretical benefits to the American economy, the Trade Reform Act was now a short-term problem.
Further research and development is being conducted to determine if the mathematical and theoretical benefits of aspheric lenses can actually lead to better vision correction.
The inclusion of vasopressin is due to its theoretical benefit over epinephrine in cardiac arrest.