By definition, "Evolution" is a vast undertaking, touching on the many implications of evolutionary theory: historical, philosophical, scientific, theological and even sexual.
However, despite his tenacity in advocating his physical and theological theories, they had little impact.
There were theories about all of these, some of them frankly theological.
This concept is fundamentally at odds with theological theories which posit a supreme being able to be fully understood by man.
Creationism is simply a theological theory.
Experience with the real world instead of theological theory had given him lines and creases, but the face that resulted had compassion in it.
This isn't theological theory, Ozemmik, this is reality.
So far, that rethinking has had a much greater impact on theological theory than on actual Vatican practice.
Theopanism has also been more broadly stated as inclusive of any theological theory by which God is held equivalent to the Universe.
Dr. Weinberg criticized theological theory as being "infinitely flexible," while physics at least had logical rigidity.