It will be the first time since 1845 that there has been a major effort to bring together Baptists from diverse racial, theological and regional backgrounds.
There are many religious issues on which Christian Universalists disagree with each other, depending on their theological background and denominational tradition.
He elaborated that he did not have the "theological background" to determine what group follows the Koran the closest and is truest to its intent.
Perhaps nowhere else in the world are Muslims from so many racial, cultural and theological backgrounds trying their hands at coexistence.
I would have liked some more theological background.
They said they hoped that people from theological backgrounds would appear more credible than politicians.
CBMC, which was founded before the 2nd World War, has a broader theological background.
Telemann was not a "preacher" like Bach was, although he did have a theological background and education.
This book outlines the theological background to the first section's Hasidic life.
The followers wer people with different theological background.