Universities, a leftist bastion, were closed for two years to purge them of opponents to theocratic rule.
Turkey is 98 percent Muslim, but it has put an end to theocratic rule.
Centuries later, one of his descendants used the power of that sword to institute a theocratic rule, before eventually being defeated.
This period is known as one of theocratic rule, due to the religious nature of the governments' authority.
This threat galvanized the lay princes, who now saw a larger opportunity: the end of theocratic rule.
Or it could reach Iran, where citizens in all walks of life are increasingly bold in their opposition to theocratic rule.
Politically it is opposed not only to right-wing systems of authoritarian or theocratic rule, but also to moral relativism exhibited by the left.
After centuries of theocratic rule, this turned Montenegro into a secular principality.
The collection also lacks pieces related to theocratic rule or sculpted gods.
During the Bhutanese period of theocratic rule (1616-1907), there was no regular standing army.