Two themes dominated: the classics, and sportswear without the disheveled look.
One theme dominates, as it did the Bush years - the crumbling of the Soviet empire.
Q. Do themes about love still dominate poetry?
E.g. when the theme dominates, this may be a sign that people hide problems, no group feeling and no personal relationships develop.
In both cases, sexual themes dominated the manifestations of the possessions.
Although each proposal prompts its own brand of opposition, two themes dominate the protests, state officials said.
While eastern German themes dominate the features and the community pages, the political section looks at leftist politics throughout Germany.
Although no particular theme or topic dominates her work, she often examines traditionally controversial issues such as sexual abuse and prostitution.
The theme of the financial crisis and its effects on the art market dominated the fair's media coverage.
These themes also dominated or sought to hijack the intergovernmental conference.