But the dominant idea was that, as the conference's thematic statement put it, fear was being "encouraged by our government and exacerbated by our media."
To preserve the illusion of moment-to-moment realism, the stories' profundities must always seem offhand, their telling thematic statements accidental.
Here again, Powers wants the sounding of two separate narrative strings to throw off an overtone, a larger thematic statement.
Not that every program has to make some bold thematic statement.
The movement also reverses expectations regarding introductions, beginning with a combined vocal and instrumental thematic statement before presenting it without voices.
The first section consists of a thematic statement and trait.
It is extended primarily by repeating many thematic statements that only appeared once in Opus 47.
There are startling dissonant ornaments in the finale's main thematic statement, a semitone off key.
The thematic statements were typically about the pharaoh or statements of ancient Egyptian mythology and culture.
Through doing so, players are making strong thematic statements about the issue defined by Humanity.