She sat on an ottoman, near him, as he began to read aloud from the script in his deepened and more theatrical voice.
It is surprising it took so long for someone to give them theatrical voice.
In a loud theatrical voice, he called out to the manager, asking if his records had come in.
Ms. Porter moves fluidly and speaks with a quietly effective theatrical voice.
These apothegms were recited in a variety of fine, theatrical voices.
"The revolution is successful, but survival depends on drastic measures," he said in a clear, theatrical voice.
"You're going to die eventually," Roger said, his deep voice almost theatrical in its effect.
'That's because they didn't speak of it,' said Peter in a quavering and slightly theatrical voice.
The familiar voice of Mosley, theatrical and vibrant, came over the speakers.
His voice loud and theatrical, he continued, ""And the earth was quiet before him.