Yet a certain amount of blurring of identities also gave "Valley Song" a theatrical dimension that's now lacking.
There he discovered the video camera, which allowed him to add movement, special effects and a theatrical dimension to his mixed-media installations.
He laughs when he tells the story, the chuckle of a man who long ago grasped the theatrical dimensions of the judicial craft.
JC: He was after a musical performance, but, as always, he was deeply interested in the characterization and the theatrical dimension of the role.
"We are watching it all with curiosity, more interested in the theatrical dimensions than the substance," said a State Department expert on Soviet affairs.
Each calls up its own era and exists in its own theatrical dimension.
"The justice system in Mexico has a theatrical dimension to it, and the performance of the special prosecutor is increasingly looking like tragedy disguised as farce."
It is certainly not a bad performance; it seems to take place in another theatrical dimension.
He is madly in love with theater, and he has a strong and quirky vision of the city's theatrical dimension.
In terms of expression, time has only deepened the theatrical dimension of Dame Cleo's innately dramatic singing.