This was a disaster which theater goers could see and hear the next day.
If you say Fringe is dead, what will happen to the next generation of theatre goers.
He also has an interest in folk music and is a keen theatre goer.
However, there was still a large rate of illiteracy among theatre goers.
Her sudden death was a shock to theater goers and journalists alike.
It opened in 1917 and is popular with celebrities and theatre goers.
Precisely what, a current theater goer might wonder, is a drawing-room comedy?
One of the common problems there was coping with theatre goers who spilled foods such as ice cream on the seats.
However, Nepal's censors later agreed to clear the film for viewing by theatre goers above 16 years.
I'm not a theatre goer and don't like Bhangra or musicals but was dragged along.