It started out as a small theater called the Gem, which showed silent movies with a piano for music.
But now five private boxes, named after famous composers, will be available with what the theater is calling an "enhanced menu" for $88 a ticket.
A theater in the round, as Robert had called it.
It replaced an earlier theatre called the Star Concert Hall.
It was used as a legitimate theatre called the Playhouse and later the Victoria.
And "Men" is the sixth show in five seasons by the man the theater calls its "playwright in residence."
"The theater never called to me," she said.
He began by writing for the papers, made some money, and then rented a theatre called the Winter Garden.
The theater called about 1,100 of its subscribers when the board decided to consider the Middletown proposal seriously.
Before long they added motion pictures to the vaudeville shows, and another theater called the Lyceum.