Bringing that cost down to zero means that everyone would have to quit cards cold turkey.
Second, it can meet the act's requirements at less than one-third that cost.
Administration officials estimated that cost of the changes to its plan at $5 billion over five years.
"If you divide that cost among 10 units it is not feasible."
Since sky surfers always jump in pairs, double that cost.
The real engineering challenge is getting that cost down to where it's a mass-market product.
But in his view, the long-term benefits - like making it possible for more people to buy their own homes - outweigh that cost.
My joy comes at a price which none but those who have likewise borne that heavy cost can ever know.
Blacks, however, were never to fight and kill whites for their freedom-their liberty not being worth that particular cost.
Couplers add about $300 to the price, and a hard case doubles that cost.