Every concert that is the last of the day ends with a mangalam, a thankful prayer and conclusion to the musical event.
My father stood motionless, with his hand on the tiller, looking straight ahead, pouring out his heart in thankful prayer and thanksgiving to the gods Odin and Thor.
He stood on the blackened foundation stones of the burned building, looked down the long avenue of trees leading toward the road and swore lustily, with a joy too deep for thankful prayer.
As I knelt in my own room in a burst of thankful prayer, I knew in the depths of my own heart the measure of my fear.
Liandra said a thankful prayer.
One of the best known subjects is a kneeling angel which, in 1945, symbolized a thankful prayer from those who had survived the war.
Beside her, Bashir said something beneath his breath, so softly she couldn't tell whether it was a curse or a thankful prayer.
Shouts of agreement, thankful prayers to Buddallah, and cries of relief resounded throughout the night.
Lee also briefly bent his head in a thankful prayer.
A gush of thankful prayer came from his heart.