He knocked and saw a form move on the other side of the textured glass.
Almost all of the scenes in this film are shot either off a mirror like the final shot, or through diffused and textured glass.
The building also pioneered the extensive use of block and molded, textured glass for primary living space windows.
The electrical components will be embedded between layers of extremely durable, textured glass.
It is clad in a curtain wall of clear and textured glass, made by two Barcelona firms.
Beveled glass has also been used with clear and colored textured glass to create designs.
Shower curtains can be replaced by sliding textured glass or acrylic doors.
Tiffany made use of such textured glass to represent, for example, twigs, branches and grass.
Tiffany made use of such textured glass to represent, for example, foliage seen from a distance.
Tiffany made use of such textured glass to represent, for example, water or leaf veins.