Ultimately, the book's utility as textual scholarship is limited by Havelock's methods.
His text critical colleague Samuel Prideaux Tregelles wrote warmly of their mutual interest in textual scholarship.
The sort of scholarship which predominated was textual scholarship, as exemplified by Percy Simpson's monumental edition of Ben Jonson.
But textual scholarship is not quite at the stage that computer chess programs have reached.
The book comments that this corresponds with the documentary hypothesis, in which textual scholarship argues for the majority of the first five biblical books being written between the 8th and 6th centuries.
These massive editions laid the foundation for modern textual scholarship on Shakespeare's works, and by extension on works of literature in general.
Ostensibly objective textual scholarship adopted editorial policies which for many years worked to ensure the above assumptions could be confirmed.
Twenty-five years later, textual scholarship, like almost everything else, has been colonized by Google and the collective wisdom of the World Wide Web.
The critical history of the plays over the past 50 years or so has gone hand in hand with close textual scholarship.
Scholars and critics hailed it as a landmark of textual scholarship.