In the first book Seung constructively demonstrates the role of cultural context in the explication of textual meaning.
No matter how brilliantly it could be argued that textual meaning is independent of the author's control, it remains the case that the unaided text cannot generate its own meanings.
Thomas Weelkes' madrigal "As Vesta was from Latmos hill descending" uses word painting throughout to declaim textual meaning:
Ascii-made works tend to be defiantly coarse rather than hyper-realistic, and the characters from which they are made usually convey no textual meaning.
In the Schumann, Bizet and Tacuchian, Mr. Villanueva showed a fine concern for textual meaning.
Others have seen similarities between Whorf's work and the ideas of literary theorist Mikhail Bakhtin, who read Whorf and whose approach to textual meaning was similarly holistic and relativistic.
It carries more textual meaning than an adverbial occurring in the same position.
The second Showalter calls "gynocriticism", in which the "woman is producer of textual meaning".
Ruffo took Borromeo's commission seriously and set out to compose in a style that presented the text so that all words would be intelligible and the textual meaning be the most important part of the composition.
In the essay "Différance" Derrida indicates that différance gestures at a number of heterogeneous features that govern the production of textual meaning.