Samuel did much to elucidate the Mishnah, both by his textual explanations (Shab.
He also suggests that the large amount of on-screen textual explanation can be associated with the film crew's ineptitude in storytelling.
Participants consistently stated that they wanted graphical and textual explanations of absolute risks provided together.
Lacking textual explanations, the image stones are consequently difficult to interpret.
There is no contemporary textual explanation for The Tempest, and ultimately, no definitive reading or interpretation.
In such a duel between media, what hope do old documents have, particularly when textual explanation is deliberately minimized?
It was customary to add to the manuscript copies textual explanations written between the lines and on the margin of the page.
Role list view: List describing all roles of a role model together with attributes and textual explanation.
There is also too little textual explanation.
Each book contains hundreds of lists (many accompanied by textual explanations) on unusual or esoteric topics, for example: