He is very straightforward in his writings and occasionally offers textual amendments to the Talmud.
The system of government set up under the 1982 Constitution has undergone some changes, largely due to the evolution of Constitutional conventions rather than textual amendments.
Because it is the convention that second reading is concerned only with general principle of the bill, textual amendments are not allowed to be proposed at this stage.
It also takes account of the autonomous preferential trade agreement between the EU and Moldova and includes some minor textual amendments to the previous notice (09/07).
This is the movement of the suite that differs least from Koechlin's London score; Fauré made only minor textual amendments to it.
We like you to consider one small, but important, textual amendment.
(HU) The multitude of proposed amendments included a textual amendment which hit the nail on the head.
The Florence European Council clearly asked that we should now move to the negotiating stage on the textual amendments to the existing Treaty.
I conclude that on the matter of substance the proposal for a regulation also calls for co-decision, especially after the textual amendments made by the Council.
This notice has been amended to include some minor textual amendments to the notice.