The project is a play on the phrase "bread and roses," a call for dignity and workplace respect commonly associated with a 1912 textile strike in Lawrence, Massachusetts.
Her phrase "Bread and Roses", became associated with a 1912 textile strike of largely immigrant, largely women workers in Lawrence, Massachusetts.
In 1930, he took a job at a dye shop for 32 cents an hour, becoming active in the nationwide textile strike of 1934, involving 500,000 workers.
Gorman had overseen the ill-fated 1934 textile strike.
Were your neighbours starving in the textile strike?
They participated in the long textile strike in 1924.
The film's name, "Bread and Roses", derives from the 1912 textile strike in Lawrence, Massachusetts.
By 1982, when Datta Samant led the textile strike, over 240,000 people worked in Girangaon.
The history of Southern textile workers between the 1880's and the general textile strike of 1934 evokes profound sadness at the lives lost and misshapen.
After leading a textile strike in Paterson, and organizing efforts in Fall River, Massachusetts, membership had grown to a reported 8,000.