His father owns Handel House of Fabrics, textile importers in New York.
His father was a broker of silk, and a textile importer in Calabria.
Her father is the president of Overseas Yarns, a textile importer and exporter in New York.
Business interests, led by grain and aircraft exporters and textile importers, joined the Administration in its successful lobbying effort over the last several weeks.
To be sure, some textile importers say this phenomenon may be a one-time surge.
Her mother, also retired, was an inventory specialist with Central Industries, a former textile importer in Jersey City.
The U.S. is the largest textile importer and almost all textile producing countries compete for a share of this market.
His father, who is retired, was a textile importer and exporter in Lisbon.
Sergio Finetto, a Brazilian-born textile importer, looked around him and smiled.
Her father is an owner and president of Zecron Textiles, a textile importer in Brooklyn.