"It was like a textbook lesson in capitalist economics," said a foreign diplomat who heard the speech.
Three arguments running through the book are textbook lessons of how not to reason and how not to write history.
This most memorable Memorial of all was a textbook lesson in that.
It was a textbook lesson in every military academy in the known world.
"This is also not a textbook lesson," he said, working his hand under the open collar of her nightgown.
The year has also been a textbook lesson that what goes smoothly in business may not do so well in the public sector.
It is a textbook lesson in rubato, sternly delivered.
The relationship between the president and his general provides a textbook lesson in civilian control and power sharing.
The university churns out an array of merchandise that is a textbook lesson in consumerism.
The two systems offer a textbook lesson in how to and how not to use government.