The determination of textbook content would be made in consultation with the churches, with passages offensive to the church excised.
This was in part a response to the growing evidence that poor textbook content and deficient teaching materials contribute to inadequate science education.
All textbook content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Licenses and the textbooks can be modified to suit different purposes by users.
In addition to traditional textbook content, students are able to view slide presentations and video streams of lab and clinical procedures and do full text searches on their materials.
UDC activities and intervention into textbook content strongly shaped memory and public opinion about the Civil War.
A second issue is textbook content, which has long been an arena for ideological warfare.
Consistent with the open content paradigm, academic freedom in this model rests entirely with educators; educators have complete control over textbook content.
Flat World Knowledge announced that it will no longer provide free access to their textbook content citing financial concerns as the reason for this change.
A hands on experience is more valuable then textbook content.
It has also engaged in battles over pornography, obscenity, abortion, state sanctioned prayer in public schools, textbook contents (concerning creationism), homosexuality, and sexual education.