Yeah, it's often you see kludges like that where it's kind of a text-based system.
It is a text-based system that dates to the 1970's, and some users who are used to point-and-click browsing may find Telnet a bit arcane.
It is often desirable, however, to be able to send non-textual data through text-based systems, such as when one might attach an image file to an e-mail message.
Part of the problem stemmed from the fact that the San Jose officers had grown used to the city's 14-year-old text-based system.
Conversing with her Russian-born parents, who are not fully fluent in English, always posed special difficulties with the text-based systems.
The University created WVU Alert, a text-based alert system for quickly disseminating emergency situations to faculty and students.
Character- or text-based systems depend fundamentally on a text-display buffer, a part of computer memory that stores a number for each position on the screen.
A terminal emulator is a purely text-based system, in contrast to the general user experience of OS-X, which is graphical.
A text-based system that can include groups of documents with hyperlinks among them is known as a Hypertext System.
However, the cursor generally does not change into the letter-surrounding box seen on old text-based systems.