Generating a massive number of one-of-a-kind, natural-sounding text passages would require more effort than most spammers are willing to make, he says.
Early works of hypertext fiction, as they were known, let readers click on a highlighted word and follow its hyperlink to another text passage.
And some text passages are not projected - only as many as are deemed necessary to follow the story.
And yes, there have been times when I was reluctant to have to scroll up to find a text passage.
Many text passages are known because Church fathers such as Augustine of Hippo cited from them.
Some authors have copied text passages from unpublished sources without acknowledging them.
Parts of the text reference other text passages or texts which can directly be accessed.
Their brochure did not contain any photographs, but only long text passages which Trump compared to a book that no one would read.
The following are a few examples of pre-determined text passages that have been used to obtain request exemplars.
Suppose one wants to compare some text passages automatically and indicate their relative similarity.