In testimony prepared for a House hearing on Thursday, the National Conference of State Legislatures expresses a similar concern.
The date was in an addendum to written testimony prepared by Mr. Herrington for a hearing before the Senate Environment and Public Works nuclear regulation subcommittee.
When the day comes, Coetzee may read into the court record his own detailed testimony, prepared in exile.
Companies The Air Force made illegal payments to McDonnell Douglas in 1990, a Pentagon official says in testimony prepared for a House hearing today.
It also has some of the literary quality of testimony prepared for delivery under oath.
"Our investigation found abusive and potentially criminal activity," including willful failure to pay taxes, Mr. Kutz said in testimony prepared for the hearing.
In testimony prepared for an appearance on Wednesday, the association's president, Gerald J. Mossinghoff, said responsible marketing is an important part of informing doctors about sophisticated medicines.
In written testimony prepared for the hearing, the G.A.O. investigators said they made the counterfeit identification cards from software that is easily obtainable from the Internet.
"The statute should not be reauthorized," Mr. Starr has written in testimony prepared for a Senate hearing on Wednesday.
In testimony prepared for a congressional hearing, Professor Jackson made a point critics of comparative sideglances perhaps overlook: the "negative authority" foreign experience sometimes may have.