The report drew on the testimony of nearly 2,000 witnesses, men and women who attended more than 200 Catholic-run schools from the 1930s until the 1990s.
What emerged in the testimonies of men was a deep confusion at having to live up to conventional expectations of masculinity.
It held testimonies of dead men and living.
They were both filled with the Holy Spirit and were great testimonies of men of faith.
Her efforts led courts to permit the testimony of both men and women.
The testimony of men often deceiveth.
According to testimony at trials in 2004 and 2010 of men convicted of her murder, she was interrogated in the fall of 1975.
And it would be ridiculous to stand you up against the testimony of men like Monsorlit.
Yet You refuse to provide evidence of Your power, asking me instead to believe the secondhand testimony of men dead for thousands of years.
Legal procedure in Pakistan makes only two minor distinctions between the testimony of men and women.