It is worth quoting some of the evidence from testimonies gathered by Hannam during the investigation, but which was never aired in court.
As a result, "no testimony or evidence gathered in the course of their investigation should be admissible."
According to testimonies gathered in 1725 José de Andrade judged wrongdoings himself, did not paid salaries and tortured those that did not worked because of illness.
They are close to an agreement that will allow committee members and some assistants to view the privileged testimony gathered in the investigation, he said.
But some in Congress serving on NASA oversight committees have insisted that all testimony and material gathered by the investigation be made public.
Court officials said such charges were based on testimony gathered from ethnic Albanians who had fled to Macedonia or Albania, and on intelligence reports from western governments.
According to testimony gathered by Mr. Goldstone, the men drew on a seemingly bottomless state slush fund.
Elder testimony gathered at casinos reads like a wry, cranky litany: "I cannot tie on those darn Reeboks my kids gave me and mallwalk one more time.
In 1808, Francis Scott Key, counsel for Senator John Smith, read into the record witness depositions to discredit testimony gathered by an investigatory committee.
For four days, Mr. Touvier was interrogated by the presiding judge, Henri Boulard, about sworn testimony gathered before the trial.