Mary Felasco, an assistant district attorney, said the plea bargain was offered because the victim did not want to testify twice.
He testified twice before the investigative commission, with the perjury charges arising from an appearance on March 27, 1986.
During the 1950s Hicks testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee twice.
General MacArthur testified before the committee twice.
He has played an active role in the thimerosal controversy, testifying twice to Congress about his views.
And Mr. Carey twice testified in criminal trials, one involving corruption charges against the secretary-treasurer of the local he headed.
In this position, he wrote over 30 reports on space issues and testified twice before Congress on NASA issues.
Miller testified twice before the grand jury and wrote an account of her testimony for the New York Times.
I testified twice before the City Council for the bill.
Ms. Rossi twice testified that her husband attacked her and left her for dead.