Doctor, you testified at length regarding powder residue, the lack of tattooing on the body.
Carro was called to testify regarding his knowledge of Lee Harvey Oswald.
Death had claimed a witness about to testify regarding the location of the vanished house.
Acanfora testified regarding the philosophy that guided him in his professional role as a teacher.
I do not believe what he testified regarding the provenance of the 2006 will.
Reliable witnesses could testify regarding the manifestations in the strange old mansion.
The child testified in court regarding the abuse she had suffered, and afterward - on April 10, 1874 - she said:
Shannon testified before Congress regarding cold medicines that could be dangerous for children.
In 1901 he testified before a court of inquiry regarding Admiral Schley's conduct in the war.
Carter testified regarding Goldline's sales practices and client policies as well as concerns about the proposed legislation.