This is helpful in research because it allows each set of cathode to be tested separately, or all at once.
Assumptions about the problem need to be tested separately for each species.
Throwing: Competitors are tested separately for precision and distance throwing.
Because reactions may not always tell much about what the children have actually learned, that is tested separately in interviews.
The procedure is followed with each eye being separately tested, with and without corrective glasses.
Tap water or chemicals could change the composition of the soil, and may need to be tested separately.
A lawn area, for example, should be tested separately from an area where vegetables will be grown.
The telescope's primary and secondary mirrors were tested separately, but not together.
More than 500 staff and 450 GPs who are believed to have come into contact with the man are being tested separately.
Each case must be tested separately, in the same way that our decisions here must be made.