The cold soak test simulates the intense cold temperatures the BalloonSat will experience during its mission.
The tests would simulate many more flights than the planes were expected to make in a normal lifetime.
The only aspect of his flight through Saturn's B ring that this test couldn't simulate was the lack of gravity.
The test simulates ranges of 100, 200, 300, and 400 yards.
By contrast, the government's side-impact tests simulate what happens when a car strikes other vehicles in the side.
The test simulates the impact of a child's head hitting the surface from various heights of the playground equipment.
Your tests don't simulate combat.
That test simulates many conditions but not rapid acceleration and deceleration.
Our emergency-handling test simulates a situation that could confront any car at any time.
The test simulates scenarios such as transiting a highway exit ramp while traveling with excessive speed.