Information about a school's specific test requirements can typically be found on its official website.
Students suing the university over the test requirement claim the trustees violated their own bylaws.
The precise test requirements and bullet types used are as follows:
In 1937, the school expanded the swim test requirement to all undergraduates.
The 11th-grade test was a step toward eventually eliminating what had been a ninth-grade test requirement.
In the first year those observers who had achieved a club pass at 3rd class level were declared exempt from the basic test requirement.
Could that be why so many of the politicians who impose test requirements on public schools send their own children to private ones?
There are many international variations for nearly countless types of products and systems, some with multiple test requirements.
As the last few years have shown, the standardized test requirement has become the most controversial aspect of Proposition 48.
It is nevertheless important to focus attention on pointless test requirements and eliminate them, so that we can reduce the administrative burden.