These tests rely less than past exams on multiple choice questions.
All tests rely upon some combination of the elicitation strategies described in Chapter 7.
Today's tests rely more heavily on essay-style questions, which are more difficult to score.
However, these tests are not objective and often rely on subjective judgements about an individual's actions.
It has been held that this test relies only on a visual comparison between the contending trademarks.
The test relies on a fundamental distinction between humans and machines: we can identify pictures, but robots can't.
Unlike the older tests, the new tests relied less on multiple choice questions than essays.
The current tests rely heavily on multiple-choice questions that many critics say are not a reliable reflection of what students actually know.
The test relies on antibodies to detect the presence of the bacterium.
However, few tests solely rely on these types of problems, and tend to work in conjunction with other types, such as multiple choice.