The assumption is that, if the test reflects what students actually study, the differences between the scores of boys and girls will be narrowed.
Key Search - This test reflects the real life situation of needing to find something that has been lost.
However, the authors concluded their tests may not reflect real life multi-tasking and that further research was required.
"The test does not reflect what my little Ting can do," she says.
Underlying these issues is the question of whether the new national tests will reflect the country's educational values or shape them.
Again, these processor-intensive tests reflect what we would expect to see, given the difference in clock speeds.
Accuracy, on the other hand, was how well the test reflected the real world.
Critics say the standardized tests do not accurately reflect a student's level of knowledge.
But I do think the new test does reflect what's going on in the classroom - more than the old research paper.
The test focuses light point source at the center of curvature and reflected back to a knife edge.